高考口语高分秘诀一: 模仿朗读技巧

高考口语高分秘诀一: 模仿朗读技巧

2018-02-26    08'23''

主播: Carol Lee😚

178 3

Imagine you are a college student at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California. You walk into your philosophy class on the first day of the new term only to find a robot looking you right in the eye. This robot is no huge piece of equipment that builds automobiles, or small device that cleans your floor. It is Bina48. Bina48 looks like a human – at least the head and shoulders of one. Her voice sounds somewhat like a human voice. And in the fall of 2017, she became the first-ever robot with artificial intelligence, or A.I., to complete a college class. Bina48’s story began thirteen years earlier. In 2004, businesswoman Martine Rothblatt began studying the possibility of using technology to keep a human mind alive after the person’s body died. Bina48 的故事早在13年前就开始了. 2004年,女商人Martine Rothblatt 开始研究在人的身体死后用科技让其大脑继续存活的可能性. Rothblatt’s organization, called the Terasem Movement Foundation, developed a system for keeping a computerized record of a person’s thoughts, opinions and memories. The organization calls these records “Mindfiles.” Rothblatt 的组织--- “Terasem运动基金会”, 开发了一个用于储存人的思想、观点、记忆的计算机系统。该组织把这些记录叫做“大脑档案”。 In 2007, the organization asked the company Hanson Robotics to design an A.I. program based around a Mindfile. The program would be a robotic representation of a living person. The person the designers chose was Rothblatt’s wife, Bina Aspen Rothblatt. 语音、语调是口语考试重点考查的两个方面,其中“语音” 考察单词朗读的准确性,这部分是最基础的技能,朗读初学者务必先学习Carol 老师的课程 "国际音标快速拼读法" , 打好语音基础, 同时也打好拼读和记忆单词的基础。请复制以下链接,在手机或电脑浏览器中打开开始学习吧: http://www.genshuixue.com/video_course/getcourseshowdetail?number=17050193200