

2018-03-13    02'09''

主播: 香蕉皮英语_Bekah

74 0

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, can't stand it when I finally get the chance to speak for once. Vatican cameos. What did he say? What does that mean? Battle stations, someone's going to die. What? Narrow it down. Narrow it down. Narrow it down! Argh! No, no! Not you! Not you! You.It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right. What do I do? You've already done it. Don't solve the murder. Save the life. Sorry, off piste a bit. Back now.Phew! Let's play a game. Let's play murder. Sherlock! Imagine someone's going to get murdered at a wedding. Who exactly would you pick? I think you're a popular choice at the moment,dear. If someone could move Mrs Hudson's glass just slightly out of reach, that would be lovely. More importantly, who could you only kill a wedding? Most people you can kill any old place.