

2018-06-04    01'08''

主播: 香蕉皮英语_Bekah

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添加号 众 公 信 微 "香蕉皮英语",获取更多英语学习资料。 Argue 争论 ♢I could never bear to argue with her. 我从来都不敢和她争吵。 Erratic 不稳定的 ♢My pulse is very erratic, you may need to restart my heart on the way. 我的脉搏很不稳定,也许在送医院的路上得给我做心肺复苏。 Attempt 攻击 ♢If someone's about to make an attempt on my life, it won't be the first time. 如果有人要攻击我,这不是第一次了。 Accent 口音 ♢Your accent is currently English, but I suspect you are not. 你现在是英国口音,但我怀疑你不是英国人。 Chemist 化学家 ♢Alice is an excellent chemist. 爱丽丝是个出色的药剂师。 Distinguished 卓著的 ♢It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards. 今天我很荣幸来到这里颁奖。 Resign 辞职 ♢How are you gonna resign if I don't accept? 如果我不接受,你要怎么辞职? Kidding 开玩笑 ♢Are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吧?