Outlaw State of Mind #乡村摇滚 Country Rock#

Outlaw State of Mind #乡村摇滚 Country Rock#

2016-11-18    05'37''

主播: 人民公园北门

427 8

-Chris Stapleton Cut my teeth on Daddy's old LGO 在爸爸老旧的吉布森吉他上留下牙痕后 And I lost my mind somewhere in New Mexico 于新墨西哥州某地我失去了理性 And TW put a snake on my back 伙伴在我背上刻上了蛇形纹身 I keep a red bar on my si-i-ide 我随身携带随时把玩着红骨小刀 And its people all across the land 这片土地上所有的人们 From East Kentucky downtown Alabam 从东肯塔基市中心到阿拉巴马 Whole lotta like I am all the time 整日跟我一样 In an outlaw state of mind 都有着逆反之心 I got friends that know how to have a good time 我的朋友们都知道如何寻欢作乐 yeah they roll their own and drink Carolina shine 他们很嗨地喝着卡罗来纳的啤酒 I've seen the devil in a dark cole mine 于黑冰啤之中我看到了魔鬼 I've been higher than a Georgia pine 醉眼朦胧中我高过乔治亚松 And there's people all across the land 这片土地上所有的人们 From West Virginia to the Rio Grande 从西弗吉尼亚到里奥格兰德 Whole lotta like I am all the time 整日跟我一样 I'm in an outlaw state of mind 都有着逆反之心 And there's people all across the land 这片土地上所有的人们 From New York out to old San Fran 从纽约到老圣弗朗 Just don't give a damn all the time 只是不要老是诅咒抱怨 in an outlaw state of mind 迷失在逆反的情绪之中