

2017-03-24    05'15''


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情书一封,英音还在学习 ( ∩ˇωˇ∩) Louise Brealey在“见信如晤”节目中朗诵情书   February 6,1945,Darling, darling, darling. This is what I have been waiting for, your freedom left me dumb and choked up, but now, oh now, I feel released. Oh Christopher, my dear, dear man, it is so, so wonderful. You are coming home.   1945年2月6日,噢,亲爱的。我日思夜想,终将成真,你追寻自由,令我无所适从,但我现在终于解放了。 Christopher,亲爱的,这真是太好了。你终于要回家了   Golly, I shall have to be careful, all this excitement is almost too much for my body. You must be careful too, darling, all this on top of what you have been through, it is difficult to keep it down, but, you can’t help the excited twinges in your midriff, can you, do keep well, angel, I shall have to say that to myself as well.   不过我得多加小心,我这身体,已经无法承受太过兴奋。亲爱的,你也要当心,你所经历的种种,很难压抑,但这消息兴奋得让人胃痛,是吗?我的天使,你要保重身体,这一点我自己也得注意。   Marriage my sweet, yes I agree, what you wish, I wish. Whilst you are afraid, you will not be happy, we must get rid of these fears between us. Also confidentially, I too am a little scared – everything in letters appears larger than life size, like my photograph, it didn’t show the white hairs beneath the dark, the decaying teeth, the darkening skin, I think of my nasty characteristics, my ordinariness. Yes, I too feel a little afraid. Still I can’t be bothered with that now, for we are going to meet, does anything else matter Chris?   亲爱的,结婚,我同意,我完全同意你的想法。你担心未来将会不快乐,我们必须摆脱恐惧。偷偷告诉你,我也有点害怕,信里的内容似乎已经超越生命的长度。就好像我的照片,看不出白发,因为藏在黑发之下;也看不见退化的牙齿,变黑的皮肤。想着自己外表平凡,日益丑陋,是的,我也有些感到恐惧。不过,我现在不能为此烦恼,因为我们即将相见。你觉得这些重要吗,Chris?    Oh dear dear me, plan a week somewhere, bonk, up comes my heart, a week somewhere, by the sea, with you. Where shall we go, of course I’d choose north Devon, sea, country and air, but March raises the question of weather, might we go to a largish town, I prefer villages normally, but with you I guess I’ll do what you want, also I feel that you’ll need looking after, don’t think you should walk around in the rain, not for a while, anyway, guess I don’t care where, as long as it’s the sea, and you, you, you. Inward clangings and bouncings and I wonder how soon.   亲爱的,我们找个地方共度一周吧,想想就很激动。与你去海边共度一周,我们该去哪儿呢?当然,我会选择北德文,那里有大海、乡村景色,还有新鲜空气。不过三月的天气阴晴不定,或者我们可以去个大一点的城镇。我更喜欢乡村,但愿意听从你的想法,而且,我觉得你需要被照料。我觉得你不该再漫步雨中了,至少现在不行。我不在乎去哪,只要是在海边,和你一起,你呀你。我满心期盼着,不知你何时能回来。    You know I say to myself, ‘Bessie my girl, you’re not so hot’, but I think you may have a similar feeling. I say, how is your digestion, mine’s awful, I shall be reduced to taking Rennies or something, a wind remover. My tea at his moment is stuck somewhere in the middle of my chest.   我告诉自己,“Bessie,姑娘,你已不再迷人。“但我想,你应该与我感觉相同。你的消化功能如何,我已经退化了,退化到需要服用凝乳酶或是其他药来解决,我现在喝的茶就哽在胸口那里。    I can’t help wishing that you won’t get these letters, that you’ll be on your way, that the time to wait is that short, because my impatience is getting pretty bad, being able to write like we have has been a wonderful thing, but it has always remained only the beginning, the contact for our future and a beginning must change to something else, and now it is changing.   我不禁希望你收不到这些信,因为你已经出发,这样等待的时间也会缩短,我的耐心越来越差。我们的通信真是美妙,但和未来相比,这只是个开始;而开始,总是要经历改变,现在,我们已经在改变。    What do you think of the war news? Don’t like getting too optimistic, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to come home to stay?   I love you。 Bessie   我们已经在改变。你对战争怎么看,我不是很乐观,但想想也是好事,因为你可以回家了,不是吗?   我爱你。 Bessie