20190219-I Believe In Love (B)

20190219-I Believe In Love (B)

2019-02-19    00'56''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

173 3

2019.2.19 EMF  止于唇齿,掩于岁月,但爱仍在 Lesson B   1.模拟第一句: 我从小就是一个斗士。我会争取一切。如果事实上我有百分之二的成功可能,我就会付出百分百的努力。我的一生都在忙于为自己想要的而斗争。我很少习惯放弃也不会听天由命。 I was raised to be a fighter. I fight for everything. If the fact suggests there is a 2% chance of success, I'd make a 100% effort. In life, I'm so busy fighting for what I want. I rarely get around to actually giving up and letting the fate decide.   2.模拟第二句: 当我初入职场时,我的工作是经理培训生。我负责超市蔬菜和水果部门几个月时间,并且很快就融入了环境。有一天我在产品区旁巡查,有一位中年大妈走过来对我说,“这些农产 品又贵又不新鲜。”她就站在那里大声地冲着我吼。我用沉稳的语气打破了僵局,我告诉她,“爱买不买。” When I first stepped in career, I got a job as a manager trainee. I'm taking charge of a fruit and vegetable department for a couple of months and I really started to blend. I'm patrolling around the section one day, and a middle-aged woman walks up to me and she says,“All this produce is expensive and not fresh enough.” She's just standing there yelling at me, and I break the silence with a calm tone, “Get it Or leave it.”   3.模拟第三句: 也正是在那个时刻,我开始改变我自己,因为我不喜欢过去的模样。当我第二天醒来时,我下定决心要换一种活法。 It was at that moment that I started changing myself, because I didn't love who I used to be. And the next morning I woke up, I was determined to live a different life.