20190227-How to Face Death Lesson A

20190227-How to Face Death Lesson A

2019-02-27    01'06''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.02.27 How to Face Death Lesson A   1. I say to people that six months after diagnosis, I suddenly had what I call my resurrection. I suddenly realized that I was fallible, (and) that I was going to die. I didn’t know when. 我对人们说,在确诊的六个月后,我突然获得了我所谓的“重生”。我突然意识到我身体很容易出毛病,我快要死了。我不知道什么时候会死掉。   2. The doctor had told me that it was going to be in the next six years, but I made a positive decision that I was going to work hard and try and put it off. But I realized at that time whatever will be, will be, and when my time comes, it comes. 医生告诉我,我还能活六年。但我做了一个积极的决定,我要努力工作,试着把死亡推迟。但那时我意识到,该来的,总会来的,当我的那一刻来临时,死亡就来了。   3. Ten years later, I’m still doing this, talking to you today through the eye of this lens. That said, dying is a reality to me, and I’m totally reconciled to the fact. 如今,十年过去了,我仍然活着,通过这个镜头与你们交谈。也就是说,死亡对我来说是一个事实,我完全接受了。   4. I’ve done a will, for instance. I think that’s absolutely essential. I think that’s the least I can do, because I go around talking about dementia, what it’s all about. And I want to know that when my life comes to an end, then at least the bits that are left are used in a profitable and useful manner. 例如,我立好了遗嘱。我认为这是绝对有必要的。我觉得这是我至少能做的,我奔走四方,谈论痴呆症,告诉人们痴呆症是什么。我想知道的是,当我的生命走到尽头时,至少给这个世界留下一点东西,留下的这些会以一种有益的、有用的方式被利用。