20190301-未婚先孕的“神力女超人”Lesson A

20190301-未婚先孕的“神力女超人”Lesson A

2019-03-01    01'11''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.03.01未婚先孕的“神力女超人”Lesson A   1. Rookie forward and 2017 first-round draft pick, Jayson Tatum, is no exception. My mom means the world and I call her “Superwoman” because, you know, I don’t know how she does it. 身为菜鸟前锋和2017年NBA首轮新秀,杰森·塔特姆绝非例外。对我来说,妈妈意味着全世界,我称她为“女超人”因为,你知道的,我不知道她是如何做到(这一切)的。   2. I was top 5 in my class, Senior Class President, been playing volleyball varsity all 4 years. Her life was going exactly according to plan. She graduated with an athletic scholarship to Tennessee. 我以前名列班级前五,是高年级学生会主席,在校队打了4年排球。她的生活完全是按照计划进行的。她毕业时获得了去田纳西(大学)的体育奖学金。   3. I was in denial. I was like, this is ...this can’t be happening. I had to give that up. I chose to stay and go to the local school, so that I could, you know, have my mom support him. Now I got a full scholarship. 我曾一度拒绝接受现实,我当时觉得…这不可能会发生。我不得不放弃(机会)。我选择留下来在当地学校上学,这样我才能,你知道的,让我的妈妈帮忙照顾他。现在我获得了全额奖学金。   4. I remember when I was young, I would go to college where I would need to sit in the classroom and learn with her. So I mean she never took any shortcuts, and never made any excuses. She always got the job done. 我记得在我小的时候,我得去大学坐在教室里陪她一起学习。我想说的是,她从不走任何捷径,从不找任何借口。她总是会把工作做好。   5. I tell him all the time. If he had wanted to be an astronaut, I’d have made a way for him to be at the Kennedy Space Camp in Orlando every summer. Whatever he wanted to do, I would make sure that he had all the resources to do it. 我一直都在跟他讲。如果他想成为宇航员,我会想办法让他每年夏天进入到奥兰多市的肯尼迪太空夏令营。无论他想要做什么,我都会确保他能得到相关的所有资源。