

2019-03-03    00'54''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.03.03 酷炫汉服   1.Zhuo Tongzhou was watching TV as a child when she first encountered the flowing robes that once characterized the Han ethnic group. She wondered how Chinese people ended up in western clothing, and wanted to try Hanfu for herself. 卓桐舟还是小孩的时候第一次在电视上看到了舞动的袖袍,那是汉族的象征。她想,中国人是怎么样最后开始穿了西方的服装,她自己想尝试穿穿汉服。   2.Tongzhou now felt compelled to become a fashion warrior. Her mission was not just to introduce Hanfu to other cultures, but to remind many Chinese people of their own rich heritage. 桐舟现在觉得必须要做一个保卫时尚的将士,她的任务不仅仅是将汉服引入其他文化,还有提醒许多中国人不要忘了自己有丰富的(文化)遗产。   3.She convinced them to give her three years to prove she could make more than just money…She could make a difference. Tongzhou and her partner Owen set up a business in Sydney, dedicated to promoting Chinese culture. 她说服他们,在三年之内证明她不仅仅能干活挣钱,她可以干大事。桐舟和她的伙伴欧文在悉尼做起了生意,旨在传播中国文化。   4.For me being a Chinese, I need to show my country’s culture. Australia is my second home but to myself, I am still Chinese. I am very proud that I am Chinese. 我作为一个中国人,我需要展现我祖国的传统。澳大利亚是我的第二故乡,但是于我而言,我仍旧是中国人。身为中国人我感到自豪。