20190305-让婆媳关系稳如泰山的法宝Lesson B

20190305-让婆媳关系稳如泰山的法宝Lesson B

2019-03-05    00'35''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

103 0

2019.03.05 让婆媳关系稳如泰山的法宝Lesson B   今天我们要讲的,对于许多年轻人来说,是一个很大的话题。那就是,对于自己的未来非常懈怠、漠不关心,或者缺乏一种动力和干劲。 We’re gonna talk about a really big topic for a lot of youngsters and that is apathetic attitude or a lack of motivation that they can have about their future.   我觉得大多数人,在生活中的某个时刻,尽管工作收入很高,但总会有买不起的东西,或者内心有种得不到满足的欲望正在发生。 I think that most people, at some point in their life, even if they have great income from their jobs, will come to a place where just some stuff is unaffordable or where there’s just some unsatisfied desire that is happening.   如果你的老板对你或者你的同事有种族歧视的行为,他们很傲慢无礼,一直使用侮辱性的言语,那么你必须要站出来制止。 And so if your boss is treating you or your colleague in a racist manner, and they’re being arrogant and they’re saying offensive things all the time, you have to be able to put your foot down.