20190513-哈里梅根一家三口亮相 Lesson A

20190513-哈里梅根一家三口亮相 Lesson A

2019-05-13    00'58''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

105 1

2019.05.13 哈里梅根一家三口亮相 Lesson A   核心报道:   1. It’s magic. It’s pretty amazing. I mean, I have the two best guys in the world, so I’m really happy. He has the sweetest temperament. He's really calm. He’s just been the dream, so it's been a special couple of days. 太神奇了。这非常让人惊喜。我是说,在这个世界上我有了两个最好的小伙子,所以我真的很开心。他性情超级甜美。他真的很安静。他是我的梦中情人,所以这几天真的很特别。   2. Everyone says the babies change so much over two weeks. We're basically sort of monitoring how the changing process happens over this next month really. He's changed, his looks change every single day. So who knows. 人人都说婴儿在两周内变化很大。我们基本上在密切观察接下来这个月宝宝的变化过程。他变化了,他看起来每天都在变化。所以谁知道呢。   3. Yeah that's great. I mean parenting is amazing. It's only been two and a half days, three days, but we’re just so thrilled to have our own little bundle of joy and be able to spend some precious times with him as he slowly, slowly starts to grow up. 是的,太好了。我的意思是养育孩子是很神奇的。才过了两天半,三天,但是我们真的很激动我们有了自己的小快乐,随着他慢慢地,慢慢地开始成长,能够和他一起度过许多珍贵的时光。   4. He's already got a little bit of facial hair as well. Wonderful. Thank you everybody for all the well wishes and the kindness. It just means so much. 他的脸上已经长了一点小毛发。太棒啦。谢谢大家的美好祝福和好意。这意义重大。