

2015-04-30    59'38''

主播: 南昌文森特青年旅舍

2221 23

说到艾滋病毒,你在害怕什么? What are you afraid of HIV? 说到艾滋病人,你联想到了什么? What are those HIV-infected people like? 艾滋病的感染途径和传播途径知识,你知道多少? How do people get HIV or AIDS and how is HIV spread? 今天,让我们一起来聆听一个微小生命的故事。他,就是刘九龙。2007年检测出感染HIV病毒,曾经历过痛苦挣扎,甚至轻生,经过志愿者帮助,他度过了这段艰难的时期。2009年回到江西南昌,发起江西红丝带爱温暖互助工作组,帮助那些受艾滋病影响的人群。 I would like to invite you to join with us today, and listen to Liu Jiulong&`&s story. Liu got HIV in 2007 through sex contact. He felt desperate and hopeless, even wanted to commit suicide. But a volunteer helped him out. Then Liu went back to his hometown- Jiangxi, and founded the first NGO called Red Ribbon Mutual- Caring which mainly helps those who are affected by HIV or AIDS, such as HIV-infected people, his friends or family. 曾参与导演顾长卫纪录片《在一起》演出,以及其电影《最爱》的首映。 Once he cast in a documentary call " Together", and attended the premiere of "Love for Life". 新浪微博:@刘九龙同志 @伴艾骑行 @囧游天下青年旅舍联盟