20171218EMF-fake friend

20171218EMF-fake friend

2017-12-18    00'49''

主播: 小先🍏

8 0

So without further ado,here are my tips and tricks on how to spot a fake friend and how to deal with them.The first thing is kind of obvious and that is if that person is talking about you behind your back.I mean it's pretty self-explanatory.And a person that does that also has like a lot of insecurltles with themselves. If they're envlous of something you have or something about you and it gets to this point where it's not healthy for them or for you anymore,where they literally just can't be happy for anything good that happens to you,anything good about you,anything good that you have,where they always just have to,you know,kind of try to belittle whatever you have. 话不多说,下面是我的一些建议和诀窍,教你如何识别虚伪的朋友以及该如 何对付他们。第一点应该非常明显,如果那个人在背后说你坏话,这就是显 而易见的了。这么做的人自己内心也有很多不安全感。(说白了就是自 鬼) 如果他们羡慕你有的东西或者关于你的一些东西,并且这种羡慕已经到了一 种对他们或者对你不健康的程度,到了一种他们见不得你好的程度,他们会 想方设法去贬低你拥有的一切。