

2018-05-28    01'52''

主播: 小先🍏

62 1

Every minute of every day, 245 children are born around the world, that’s 2.5 million children a week and 128 million children a year. Every one of those children is born full of potential, but they won’t get there without everyone’s help. From the start, a baby needs to be loved, cared for, and protected from neglect. A baby needs to be protected from illness and disease. A baby needs to be clothed and fed a healthy diet so she can grow strong. As a child grows, he needs to feel safe to explore, that means a safe place to live and play, safe drinking water, healthy food, clothes, and someone to catch him when he falls, so he can reach his milestones and get help when he doesn’t. As a child grows, she needs a chance to learn, free from discrimination. A child needs to be encouraged to ask questions, to develop their curiosity and unleash their imaginations, and time to play for sports, for leisure activities and for cultural traditions. As a child matures, he needs a chance to spread his wings, that means the freedom to express himself and the freedom from exploitation in all forms. That also means access to information and opportunities to gain experience that will help them give back as adults. Will you help a child in your life reach their dreams? You have more power than you think, to nurture, protect, inspire, and teach, and to help a child reach their full potential. [Audio]