20180530EMF-吉姆 帕森斯

20180530EMF-吉姆 帕森斯

2018-05-30    00'53''

主播: 小先🍏

75 0

No,not a clue.I remember distinctly saying:you've been living in purgatory and kind of hanging around and this could be... it could be a very life-changing thing that's about to happen.By the time we were getting recognized more on the streets... We had a few seasons under our belts in a way that you felt like well we have something we rely on...We know what we're doing. My first year in college I decided to give it up.I was like this just isn't a smart idea for a career.But I took that year off and I only realized how much I missed it.There was plenty of time of unemployment,there was plenty of time at the Coinstar cashing in for a night out.I am grateful though that a success like the TV show didn't happen till I was in my 30s. 不,我完全没想过。我清楚地记得这句话: “当你一直生活在炼狱里,无所事事时,扮演 这个角色可能是一件将会改变你一生的事 情”。我们在街上被认出来之前,已经拍了好 几季节目了。那样一来,你就会觉得,挺好, 我们有东西可以依靠。我们知道自己在做什 么。 我上大一的时候便决定辍学。我觉得读大学对 我的演艺生涯来说不是明智之举。但在我辍学 一年后,我才知道我是多么怀念大学的时光。 我经历过很长时间的失业,很多时候我要去零 钱兑换机兑换掉零钱,才能出去玩一晚上。不 过,我很感谢在我30多岁时才获得成功,就 像这个电视节目一样。
上一期: 20180529EMF-Snapchat
下一期: Hokey Pokey