20180805EMF-table manner

20180805EMF-table manner

2018-08-06    01'28''

主播: 小先🍏

161 0

2018-08-05英语麦克风打卡金句 Wash your hands thoroughly before you sit down to eat. You gather germs from all the things you touch with your hands. A good hand wash is important so those germs don’t get a chance to make you or someone else sick. Sit correctly in one place to eat your meal. A proper sitting posture will help your stomach to digest the food properly. Try not to move too much when you’re on the table. It disturbs others sitting beside you. You can also end up spilling your drink and food. Place a napkin on your lap before you start to eat. You can use it to wipe your mouth gently while you eat or drink. You can eat bread and whole fruit with your hands, but other than those, use forks and spoons to eat your food. Ask your tablemates to pass food that is placed away from your side instead of reaching across to get it yourself. Always use “May I”, “Please” and “Thank you” while asking for something or when someone hands you something around the table. Talking with your mouth full can make you choke on your food. It is definitely not pleasing and makes your words sound like a blabber. 坐下来吃饭前要仔细地洗一遍你的手,所有你接触到的东西上的细菌都会沾染到你的手上。好好洗手很重要,这样细菌就无法让你或别人生病了。 吃饭时要端正地坐在一个位置上。合适的坐姿能帮助你的胃好好消化食物。坐在桌边吃饭时,不要乱动。否则不仅会打扰到你身边的人,最后还有可能会打翻你的饮料和食物。 开始进餐前在大腿上放一张餐巾,这样在你进餐的时候你就可以用它轻轻地擦拭嘴巴。吃面包或者整个水果时可以用手拿着。除此之外的食物要用叉子和勺子吃。 离你远的食物要请同桌的人帮忙递给你,不要自己伸手去够。在餐桌上要东西时要说“May I”或“Please”,别人递给你东西时要说“Thank you”。 满嘴食物讲话有时会让你噎住。并且满嘴食物讲话令人很不喜,你说的话听起来也像是胡言乱语。
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