A peacock and Juno 孔雀和朱诺

A peacock and Juno 孔雀和朱诺

2021-08-15    01'13''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. It was a fine day during the rainyseason. A peacock was dancing happily in a forest. Suddenly he was reminded of his ugly rough voice. His face turned pale and tears welled up in his eyes. 2. Suddenly he saw a nightingale sitting on a nearby tree and singing. Listening to her, the peacock lamented, “What a sweetvoice she has, which everybody loves and praises, but when I utter a sound everybody makes fun of me. How jinxed am I.”  3. Just then appeared Juno - wife of Jupiter, the chief of gods. She asked the peacock, “Why are you sad?” The peacock sobbed out, “I have got such a beautiful body that is praised by all but my voice is so bad that everyone laughs at it. So this beauty is useless.”  4. The goddess replied, “You are the only one who is unhappy. Several creatures have been gifted by god with various gifts like - you the beauty, eagle the strength, nightingale the sweet voice, so on and so forth. So don'tgrumble over your weakness. Accept the way it is and be happy.” 那是雨季里的美好一天。一只孔雀在森林里快乐地跳舞。突然,他想起了自己丑陋难听的声音。他的脸色变得苍白,泪水夺眶而出。 突然,他看到一只夜莺坐在附近的树上唱歌。听着她的歌声,孔雀哀叹道:“她的声音真好听,人人都喜欢,人人都称赞,但我一发声,人人都取笑我。我真够倒霉的。” 就在这时,朱诺出现了——众神之首朱庇特的妻子。她问孔雀:“你为什么伤心?”孔雀抽泣着说:“我有如此美丽的身体,受到所有人的称赞,但我的声音太差了,大家都在嘲笑它。所以这种美丽是没有用的。” 女神回答说:“你是唯一不快乐的人。有几种生物被神赐予了各种天赋,比如——你的美貌,鹰的力量,夜莺的甜美声音,等等,等等。所以不要为自己的弱点而抱怨。接受原本的样子,并快乐起来。”