Fighting corruption⚖️反腐倡廉

Fighting corruption⚖️反腐倡廉

2021-08-23    00'55''

主播: Vivian💗

236 1

1. I think the word “corruption” comes from the latin “corruptus” - someone that gets a bribe, someone (who) basically gets kickbacks, so it's a timeless word. So you have a lot of different natures of corruption, but basically the concept is related to “use your power” - in the case of the power of government - to exchange for personal benefits. 2. First, educating the society, not necessarily the government. Because again, if you educate society, the people that are going to be the future in the government, they came, let's say, with a DNA clear. That’s what they're doing. 3. Second, the education of the political members of the party. Third, by education of the public servants. Fourth, by accountability. More measures in education, research, in terms of the nature of corruption, together with international cooperation, that’s making China, step by step, (be) one of the leading countries in terms of fighting corruption. 我认为“腐败”这个词来自拉丁语“corruptus”,意思是“收受贿赂或拿回扣的人”,所以它是一个永不过时的词汇。虽然有很多不同性质的腐败,但基本上这个概念与人使用权力有关,用公权牟取个人私利。 首先,教育社会,不仅仅是政府。如果你教育社会,教育未来在政府中工作的人,使他们骨子里风清气正。那是他们所受的教育。 第二,对党员进行教育。第三,是公务员的教育。第四,是责任制。在腐败的本质问题研究上,增加了更多的教研投入,再加上国际合作,这些使中国在反腐败领域一步步成为领先的国家之一。