How to grow cherry tomatoes🍅如何种小番茄

How to grow cherry tomatoes🍅如何种小番茄

2021-08-27    00'54''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. Don't start your seeds too early. Start them at the right time, whichis about six to seven weeks beforethe last expected spring frost. Once your last frost date has passed, harden off your tomato seedlings and move them to the garden. Finally when planting tomatoes, be sure to plant them deeply in the hole. They’ll form roots all along their stem and create a much stronger root system. 2. Now Jasper is an indeterminate tomato, which means it gets tall, really tall, up to six feet or more, so it needs strong sturdy support. Now I use wooden stakes about seven-foot tall and l tie the plants to them with twine as they grow. 3. I fertilize my tomatoes every two to three weeks with a liquid organic fertilizer and I do some pruning. I remove the lower leaves,especially any that may touch the mulch or the soil to help prevent the spread of disease. Oh boy, it won't be long now before we’re enjoying a bumper crop of delicious super sweet jasper tomatoes. 不要太早开始播种。在适当的时候开始播种,也就是在预计的最后一次春霜前六到七周。一旦你的最后一次霜期过了,就把你的番茄幼苗耐寒化,然后把它们移到菜园里。最后在种植番茄时,一定要把它们深深地种在坑里。它们会沿着茎部形成根系,形成一个更强大的根系。 碧玉(圣女果,又名樱桃小番茄)是一种蔓生型番茄品种,这意味着它能长得很高,非常高,可达6英尺或更高,所以它需要强有力的结实的支撑。现在,我使用大约7英尺高的木桩,当植物生长时,我用麻绳将其绑在上面。 我每两到三周用液体有机肥给番茄施肥,并进行一些修剪。我剪掉下面的叶子,尤其是任何可能接触到地膜或土壤的叶子,有助于防止病害的传播。哦,天呐,用不了多久,我们就能享受到美味的超甜碧玉番茄的大丰收了。
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