bird nests🐦燕窝为什么贵

bird nests🐦燕窝为什么贵

2021-09-01    01'00''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. People in China have been eating bird nests for more than a thousand years. It's believed to have near magical properties, from curing cancer to helping children grow taller. And the main ingredient? The partially dissolved nest of a swiftlet, a small bird native to Southeast Asia. 2. Three times a year, swiftlets build nests out of their sticky saliva on cave walls and cliff sides,where they raise their young. It's the high cost of these saliva nests that makes bird nest soup so expensive. Here in New York City's Chinatown, for example, a couple dozen were selling for more than a thousand dollars. 3. Swiftlets couldn't compete with the rate of harvest, and so their populations plummeted. Between 1957 and 1997, the number of swiftlets declined by as much as 88% in parts of Southeast Asia, largely due to over-harvesting. And as a result, the price of bird nests skyrocketed. Those high prices earned bird nests the title “Caviar of the East.” 中国人吃燕窝已有一千多年的历史。人们相信它有近乎神奇的特性,从治疗癌症到帮助儿童长高。其主要成分是什么?部分溶解的金丝燕巢——金丝燕是一种原产于东南亚的小鸟。 每年三次,金丝燕用它们粘稠的唾液在洞壁和悬崖边筑巢,在那里养育它们的孩子。正是这些唾液巢的高成本,使得燕窝汤如此昂贵。例如,在纽约市的唐人街,两三打的售价就超过了一千美元。 燕子(筑巢的速度)比不过人们收割的速度,因此它们的数量急剧下降。从1957年到1997年,东南亚部分地区的金丝燕数量减少了88%,主要是由于过度收割。而结果是,燕窝的价格暴涨。这些高价为燕窝赢得了“东方鱼子酱”的称号。