Haste makes waste👟不要草率行事

Haste makes waste👟不要草率行事

2021-09-05    00'40''

主播: Vivian💗

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Do not Act Hastily 1. One day, Victor was traveling through a train with his parents. Allthe time he was glancing at his new shoes that his father had bought for him. 2. After some time, he removed his shoes to take a nap. When he woke up, he found one of the shoes missing. He started crying loudly. His parents tried to console him. At last, his father promised that after reaching home, he would buy him a new pair of shoes. 3. Hearing this, Victor got so excited that he threw the other shoe out of the train. On reaching their destination, he found his lost shoe in a basket. He regretted for the loss he had incurred only because of his hurry. 不要草率行事 有一天,维克多和他的父母乘火车旅行。他一直扫视着他父亲给他买的新鞋看。 过了一会儿,他脱下鞋子小睡了一会儿。醒来时,他发现其中一只鞋不见了。他开始放声大哭。他的父母试图安慰他。最后,他的父亲承诺,到家后会给他买一双新鞋。 听了这话,维克多非常激动,把另一只鞋扔出了火车。到达目的地后,他在一个篮子里找到了他丢失的鞋子。他为自己的草率造成的损失感到懊悔。