How to clean out the ear?👂如何正确清理耳朵

How to clean out the ear?👂如何正确清理耳朵

2021-09-08    00'55''

主播: Vivian💗

211 0

1. The normal flow of the wax, which is supposed to be from inside out and supposed to flow up by itself, actually it can't flow out anymore. So it starts building up on itself and rolling on itself and it becomes denser and denserand denser. And actually I don't even think it has a shutoff valve because the wax can be like a rock at times. 2. There are occasions where I willin fact have to remove this small brown crayon amount of wax out of someone’s ear because it's builtup so much. I have seen situationswhere people have perforated their own eardrums by putting Q-tips in. 3. The best way that I recommend for people is when you're washing your hair and showering, is to wash your ears with soap and water and then use your towel on your finger to sort of mop out the water and any wax that might be on the outside and don't put anything on the inside. If your ear is clogged, if there's wax stuck inside, you really need a medical professional to get it out for you. 耳屎的正常流动,本应该是由内向外,自己流动出来,实际上它无法再向外流动。它开始在自身上堆积,自己滚来滚去,越积越密。事实上,我甚至认为它没有一个可以关闭的阀门,因为耳屎有时会像一块石头。 在有些情况下,我不得不从某些人的耳朵里取出这些棕色蜡笔大小的耳屎,因为它已经堆积得太多了。我曾见过有人因为把棉签放进去而导致自己的耳膜穿孔。 我向人们推荐的最好方法是,当你洗头和冲澡时,用肥皂和水洗耳朵,然后用毛巾包住手指,把水和可能在外面的耳屎擦出来,不要在耳朵里面放任何东西。如果你的耳朵被堵塞了,如果有耳屎卡在里面,你真的需要一个专业医生来帮你取出来。