Enjoy Now🐟富商与渔夫

Enjoy Now🐟富商与渔夫

2021-09-12    01'41''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. Once a fisherman was sitting near seashore under the shadow of a tree. Suddenly a rich businessman passing by approached him and inquired as towhy he was sitting under a tree and not working. To this the poor fisherman replied that he had caught enough fish for the day. 2. Hearing this the rich man got angry and said, “Why don’t you catch more fish instead of sitting in shadow wasting your time?” Fisherman asked, “What would I do by catching more fish?” Businessman said, “You could catch more fish, sell them and earn more money, and buy a bigger boat.” 3. Fisherman said, “What would I do then?” Businessman said, “Youcould go fishing in deep waters and catch even more fish and earneven more money.” Fisherman said, “What would I do then?” Businessman said, “You could buymany boats and employ many people to work for you and earn even more money.” Fisherman said, “What would I do then?” Businessman said, “You could become a rich businessman like me.” Fisherman said, “What wouldI do then?” Businessman said, “You could then enjoy your life peacefully.” Fisherman said, “Isn’t that what I am doing now?” 4. You don’t need to wait for tomorrow to be happy and enjoy your life. You don’t even need to be richer, more powerful to enjoy life. Life is at this moment, enjoy it fully. As some great men have said, “My riches consist not in extent of my possessions but in the fewness of my wants.” 曾经,一个渔夫坐在海边的树荫下。突然,一个路过的富商走到他身边,问他为什么坐在树下而不工作。这个贫穷的渔夫回答说,他已经捕够了今天的鱼。 听了这话,富商很生气,说:“你为什么不抓更多的鱼,而要坐在树荫下浪费时间?”渔夫问:“我抓更多的鱼能做什么?”商人说,“你可以捕更多的鱼,卖掉它们,赚更多的钱,还可以买一艘更大的船。” 渔夫:“那又能怎样呢?”商人:“你可以去深海捕鱼,捕更多的鱼,赚更多的钱。”渔夫:“那又能怎样呢?”商人:“你可以买很多船,雇很多人为你工作,赚更多的钱。”渔夫:“那又能怎样呢?”商人:“你可以像我一样成为一个富有的商人。”渔夫:“那又能怎样呢?”商人:“这样你就可以平静地享受你的生活了。”渔夫:“这不就是我现在所做的吗?” 你不需要等到明天才能变得快乐和享受生活。你甚至不需要更富有,更有权力来享受生活。生活就在当下这一刻,请尽情享受它。正如一些伟人所说:“我的财富不在于我的财产之多,而在于我的欲望之少。”