Emma Raducanu🎾天才少女获美网冠军

Emma Raducanu🎾天才少女获美网冠军

2021-09-15    00'48''

主播: Vivian💗

180 1

1. The teenage phenom with a Chinese mother and Romanian father was born in Toronto and moved to the UK when she was two years old. The furthest she had ever advanced in a Grand Slam was the fourth round at this year's Wimbledon where she retired due to a medical issue. 2. Among her legion of newfound admirers, none other than the Queen of England herself, who sent this saying her win is a remarkable achievement at such ayoung age. It's just inner belief because I'm just taking care of each day as best as possible. 3. I think that from a young age, I’ve always sort of been brought up to have mental strength. My parents you know, they played a huge part in my upbringing and they were pretty tough on me when I was young but it kind of shaped the way and I think now it's helping on the biggest stages in the world. 这位母亲是中国人,父亲是罗马尼亚人的少年天才出生在多伦多,两岁时搬到了英国。她在大满贯比赛中成绩最好的一次是在今年的温布尔登比赛中进入第四轮,那场比赛中她因医疗问题而退赛。 在她新晋的粉丝军团中,竟然有英国女王本人,她发来了这个消息,说她在如此年轻的时候取得的胜利是一个了不起的成就。这只是内心的信念,因为我只是尽可能地过好每一天。 我认为,从小时起,我就一直被教育要有精神力量。我的父母,你知道,他们在我的成长过程中发挥了巨大的作用,他们在我小的时候对我很严厉,但他们的严厉塑造了我,我认为现在我能在世界最大的舞台上闪耀光彩也有方面的原因。