Ursula Burns📌首位管理财富500强公司的人黑人女性

Ursula Burns📌首位管理财富500强公司的人黑人女性

2021-10-08    00'56''

主播: Vivian💗

197 1

1. There are a couple of things in your life that you will never change and one of the things that I would never give up was my hair. In the early part of my career, I was definitely one of very very few women and I was the only black woman. 2. I grew up in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. There was a fairly consistent lifestyle that we all lived - we were poor. My mother struggled a lot to make it okay for us. I ended up becoming an engineer by accident. I went to an engineering school and it was very normal to be the only. 3. I say this to women all the time, particularly women trying to get into STEM. I guarantee you, you will be the minority in the room and instead of that being a burden, it should be an opportunity for you to distinguish yourself. 在你的人生中,总有几件事情你永远不会改变,其中一件我永远不会改变的事情就是我的发型。在我职业生涯的早期,我绝对是极少数女性之一,而且是唯一的黑人女性。 我在曼哈顿的下东城长大。我们都有一个相当稳定的生活方式——我们很穷。我母亲为了让我们能够度日做了很多努力。我最终意外地成为一名工程师。我去了一所工程学校,成为唯一的人是非常正常的。 我经常对女性说这句话,特别是试图进入理工科的女性。我向你保证,你将是房间里的少数派,不要将其当做一种负担,它应该是你突出自己的机会。