Michelle Wu Elected Mayor of Boston🦸‍♀️波士顿首位华裔女市长

Michelle Wu Elected Mayor of Boston🦸‍♀️波士顿首位华裔女市长

2021-11-05    01'06''

主播: Vivian💗

310 3

1. One of my sons asked me the other night, if boys can be elected mayor in Boston. They have been and they will again someday, but not tonight. On this day, Boston elected your mom because from every corner of our city, Boston has spoken. 2. We are ready to meet this moment. We are ready to become a Boston for everyone. We're ready to be a Boston that doesn’t push people out but welcomes all who call our city home. We’re ready to be a Boston where all canafford to stay and to thrive. 3. We are the city of the first public school in the country, the first public park, the first subway tunnel in the country. We’re the city of revolution, civil rights, marriage equality. Boston has always been that city that punches above our weight, where our activism, our community, our joy radiates out into progress across the country. And today, together, we are marching into Boston's promise. 有一天晚上,我的一个儿子问我,在波士顿,男孩是否可以当选为市长。他们曾经当选过,而且有一天他们还会再当选,但不是今晚。在这一天,波士顿推选了你的妈妈,因为从我们城市的每一个角落,波士顿都在发声。 我们已经准备好迎接这个时刻。我们已经准备好成为一个属于所有人的波士顿。我们已经准备好成为一个不会把人赶出去,而是欢迎所有把我们的城市当作家的人的波士顿。我们已经准备好成为一个所有人都能待得起的波士顿,并能在这里蓬勃发展起来。 我们是设立全国第一所公立学校的城市,拥有全国第一个公共公园,第一条地铁隧道。我们是革命、民权、婚姻平等的城市。波士顿一直都是那个举重若轻的城市,我们的积极性、我们的社区、我们的快乐辐射到了全国各地的进步中。而今天,我们一起向波士顿的美好未来迈进。