

2021-11-19    00'42''

主播: Vivian💗

199 0

1. When you put them together, it forms a ratio, and that ratio is the immediately glanceable piece of information that I can look at when I arrive on a video to know if it's going to be worth my time, to watch it or not. 2. So that “like/dislike” counter isn't always just an indicator of the quality of the video, but it's more of a review of your experience watching the video. Whether it's satisfied what you came for the video for or not. 3. So when you hide the “dislike” counter, it's no longer a ratio, and basically you hide a very useful piece of information to determining if a video is worth spending your time watching or not. So to me, hiding “dislikes” actually hurts the experience of the vast number of people using YouTube as a search engine. 当你把它们放在一起时,就形成了一个比例,而这个比例是我发现一个视频时可以立即看到的信息,可以知道这个视频是否值得我花时间去看。 所以那个“喜欢/不喜欢”的计数器并不只是视频质量的一个指标,它更像是对你观看视频体验的一次评价——它是否满足了你来观看视频的目的。 因此,当你隐藏“不喜欢”计数器时,它不再是一个比率,基本上你隐藏了一个非常有用的信息——判定一个视频是否值得你花时间观看。所以对我来说,隐藏“不喜欢”功能实际上损害了大量使用YouTube作为搜索引擎的人的体验。