Yangcheng Lake hairy crab🦀️阳澄湖大闸蟹

Yangcheng Lake hairy crab🦀️阳澄湖大闸蟹

2021-11-24    00'58''

主播: Vivian💗

228 5

1. This is Yangcheng Lake, just outside Shanghai. And from September to November, people drive out here to eat hairy crab. They’re called this because of the hairs on its claws. Crabs in the lake are fed a diet of snails and corn. 2. Although freshwater crabs are everywhere in this part of China, people say the tastiest come from Yangcheng Lake. And they say it’s because of the water quality. In 2017, the lake cut its breeding zone to half. Although it brought down the quantity of the crabs, the quality improved. 3. The crabs are considered a culinary delicacy. These are retailing for about $11 a pop this year. Though the males, distinguished by their larger size and belly shape, tend to fetch a slightly higher price. 4. Meanwhile in China, the crustacean is so beloved that fakes are rampant. In 2016, it was reported that over 20,000 tons of Yangcheng Lake crabs were sold, but only 2,100 tons of crabs were actually produced at the lake. 这就是阳澄湖,就在上海郊外。从9月到11月,人们开车到这里来吃毛蟹(大闸蟹)。之所以这样叫,是因为它的蟹钳上有毛。湖里的螃蟹以蜗牛和玉米为食。 尽管在中国的这一地区到处都有淡水蟹,但人们说最美味的来自阳澄湖。他们说这是因为水质的原因。2017年,阳澄湖将其养殖区削减到一半。虽然这降低了螃蟹的数量,但质量有所提高。 螃蟹被认为是一种烹饪佳肴。今年,这些螃蟹的零售价约为11美元一只。而雄性螃蟹,区别于其较大的尺寸和腹部的形状,往往能卖到稍高的价格。 与此同时在中国,这种甲壳类动物是如此受欢迎,以至于假货横行。据报道,2016年,阳澄湖大闸蟹的销售量超过2万吨,但实际上只有2100吨产自该湖。