Peking Opera🎭京剧

Peking Opera🎭京剧

2021-12-02    00'57''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. Peking opera or Jingju is one of the oldest forms of theater in the world. It started hundreds of years ago. In a Peking opera, people sing, act, dance and even use acrobatics to tell stories. 2. Peking opera is very different from other kinds of drama and theater. In Peking opera, everything the actors wear, say and do has special meaning. If you understand the special meanings, you can appreciate the opera even more. 3. Costumes are important in Peking opera. In the past, all Peking opera roles were performed by men. Men playing women's roles wore special shoes to help them walk like ladies. Today, women perform in Peking opera, but actors still practice wearing the shoes. 4. A character's makeup also tells us about him or her. Red makeup shows that a character is brave. Black shows that a character is honest. Blue shows that a character gets angry easily. And white shows that the character is selfish or dishonest. 京剧是全世界数一数二古老的戏剧型态,发源于数百年前。在京剧当中,演员藉由歌唱、演戏、舞蹈甚至是特技的方式讲述故事。 京剧和其他种类的戏剧及剧场表演非常不同。在京剧当中,演员穿着的服装、说的台词以及做出的动作都有其特殊的意义。你如果懂得那些特殊意义,对京剧就能有更深的欣赏。 戏服在京剧当中具有非常重要的地位。过去,京剧里不论男女的角色都是由男性饰演。扮演女性角色的男子穿上特殊的鞋子,以此让他们能像女子一样走路。今日,女子也上台唱京剧,但仍然要练习穿这些鞋子走路。 剧中人物的妆扮也会让我们对男女角色有所了解。红色的妆容表示这个人物很勇敢,黑色表示这个人物很诚实。蓝色表示这个人物脾气易怒,白色则代表这个人物自私或者奸诈。