

2021-12-20    00'57''

主播: Vivian💗

232 2

1. SK-II is somewhat simplistic in its ingredients for their skincare products. They focus on one primary ingredient called Pitera™ and actually their most popular product - the facial essence - is made of concentrated Pitera™. What is Pitera™? I'll tell you. 2. SK-II was discovered in Japan when people were analyzing sake brewers, the alcohol, and they saw that the people who were brewing sake, who had their hands in the fermented alcohol all day long, had very youthful and ageless hands, even though the rest of their body was kind of older and they saw a lot of aging and wrinkles. They found that their hands looked like they were 20 years old. 3. And scientists were like, “Oh my god, we need to know what it is.” So they started doing more research on what exactly was making their hands so youthful. And they found that due to the fermentation process of the alcohol, a specific ingredient called Pitera™ resulted in youthfulness of the skin and they were able to extract this, replicate it within a lab at a higher concentration and put it into their products. SK-II在其护肤品的成分上有些过于简单。他们专注于一种叫做Pitera™的主要成分,实际上他们最受欢迎的产品——面部精华——是由浓缩的Pitera™制成。什么是Pitera™?我来告诉你。 SK-II是在日本被发现的,当时人们在研究清酒酿造者,酒精,他们看到酿造清酒的人——整天将手浸泡在发酵的酒精中——有非常年轻、不显老的手,尽管酿酒人身体的其他部位有点老,有很多老化和皱纹。他们发现酿酒人的手看起来像20岁的样子。 科学家们想,“哦,天呐,我们需要知道它是什么。”于是他们开始做更多的研究——到底是什么让酿酒人的手如此年轻。他们发现,在酒精的发酵过程中,一种叫做Pitera™的特定成分导致了皮肤的年轻化,他们成功提取这种成分,在实验室中进行复制,提高其浓度,并将其放入他们的产品。