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2022-01-04    01'45''

主播: Vivian💗

235 3

1. This year has been extremely challenging for me. I am broken. And I am healing. I’m here at the memorial wall. I wanted to do something to remember my mom. For some reason I'm having anxiety. Obviously it’s normal with everything that's going on right now. I think I’m going to take a break for a while. 2. You can get through it. And if you can get through it, there’s a greater reward on the other side. Just like anybody else, I’m just trying to do my little part to try and save my community. I’m just really excited we're back open. And I am smiling under my mask! Incredible scenes on the day the fans came back. Welcome back to the theatre! You guys, it’s been so long! 3. You’re looking at yourself in the mirror, and you’re just like, “There I am.” Be your best. Never, ever, ever stop dreaming. I don’t care what they tell you. I am proud to be Asian. We are not drowning, we are fighting. We cannot keep quiet about climate injustice. No action is too small. We just have to band together as a community, and get people's lives back. 4. That even as we grieved, we grew. That even as we hurt, we hoped. That even as we tired, we tried. That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious. 对我来说,今年尤为充满挑战。我心都碎了。但我也在疗愈自己。我来到纪念墙前。我想做点什么来纪念我的母亲。由于某种原因,我现在倍感焦虑。很显然,基于现在发生的一切,这很正常。我想我要休息一段时间。 你有能力度过难关。一旦走出阴霾,你就能迎来更耀眼的阳光。我和其他人一样,希望尽自己的微薄之力,拯救我们的社区。场所重新开放了,我太开心了。我还戴着口罩,可我非常开心!这一天太令人动容了,球迷重聚球场。欢迎回到剧场!大家好,好久不见! 你看着镜子里的自己,不禁想说,“这才是我真正的样子”。全力以赴,做到最好。绝对,绝对不要放弃追寻梦想。别在乎别人怎么说。我是亚裔,我很自豪。我们没有沉沦,我们奋起反抗。我们必须站出来,为气候正义发声。每个小小的努力都举足轻重。我们必须万众一心,团结一致,让人们的生活回到正轨。 即使心中悲痛,我们也学会了成长。即使伤痕累累,我们也满怀着希望。即使疲惫不堪,我们也全力以赴了。我们齐心协力,获取胜利。