How to keep your memories intact?💡如何缓解记忆力减退

How to keep your memories intact?💡如何缓解记忆力减退

2022-01-11    00'56''

主播: Vivian💗

240 4

1. Why do memories eventually fade? Let's look at how memories form in the first place. When you experience something, like dialing a phone number, the experience is converted into a pulse of electrical energy that zips along a network of neurons. 2. How do some memories get lost? Age is one factor. As we get older, synapses begin to falter and weaken, affecting how easily we can retrieve memories. The hippocampus loses 5% of its neurons every decade, for a total loss of 20% by the time you're 80 years old. 3. But don't despair. There are several steps you can take to aid your brain in preserving your memories. Make sure you keep physically active. Increased blood flow to the brain is helpful. And eat well. Your brain needs all the right nutrients to keep functioning correctly. 4. And finally, give your brain a workout. Exposing your brain to challenges, like learning a new language, is one of the best defenses for keeping your memories intact. 为什么记忆最终会消褪?让我们看看记忆首先是如何形成的。当你经历一些事情时,比如说拨打电话号码,这种经历被转化为电能的脉冲,沿着神经元的网络快速移动。 有些记忆是如何丢失的?年龄是一个因素。随着我们年龄的增长,突触开始衰弱,影响我们检索记忆的容易程度。海马体每十年会损失5%的神经元,到80岁时,总损失量为20%。 但不要绝望。你可以采取几个步骤来帮助你的大脑保存你的记忆。确保坚持运动。让流向大脑的血液增加是有益的。并且要吃得好。你的大脑需要所有正确的营养物质来保持正常运作。 最后,让你的大脑得到锻炼。让你的大脑接受挑战,如学习一门新的语言,是保持记忆完整的最佳防御措施之一。