

2017-10-09    01'36''

主播: 有声师姐Memory

25 1

更多英文有声读物中英对照同步视频请至www.smuxzlk.com 或加V信:yyxxzlk Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith, SIR: Having completed the study of argumentation and the science of dividing a thesis into heads, I have decided to adopt the following form for letter-writing. It contains all necessary facts, but no unnecessary verbiage. I. We had written examinations this week in: A. Chemistry. B. History. II. A new dormitory is being built. A. Its material is: (a) red brick. (b) grey stone. B. Its capacity will be: (a) one dean, five instructors. (b) two hundred girls. (c) one housekeeper, three cooks, twenty waitresses, twenty chambermaids. III. We had junket for dessert tonight. IV. I am writing a special topic upon the Sources of Shakespeare's Plays. V. Lou McMahon slipped and fell this afternoon at basket ball, and she: A. Dislocated her shoulder. B. Bruised her knee. VI. I have a new hat trimmed with: A. Blue velvet ribbon. B. Two blue quills. C. Three red pompoms. VII. It is half past nine. VIII. Good night. Judy 更多英文有声读物中英对照同步视频请至www.smuxzlk.com