寒假特辑 | Couch Potato · Mint

寒假特辑 | Couch Potato · Mint

2018-02-01    02'42''

主播: 日不落电台

101 1

编号:第29期 主播:Mint 坐标:泰山顶儿 【主播介绍】 Mint,2018还是一条外院留守老狗子 【主播的话】 健身学习两不误?别搞笑了,寒假不就应该是左手薯片右手鼠标躺床上吗!别整那没用滴,和我一起瘫瘫瘫! 【本期内容】 =Prepare the best spot. Choose the best place in the room for reclining and add pillows, cushions, and anything else that will increase your comfort level. Be sure to have the remote control all within easy reach of your chosen spot. 选择最佳“瘫”位。 整家中最得劲儿的地方儿然后想往上整啥就整啥,枕头啊、靠垫儿啊啥滴,咋舒服咋整!一定把那遥控器啥的啊放在伸手就能摸着儿滴地方儿! =Prepare the sustenance. Junk food is a couch potato's traditional fare but you don't have to stick to just chips, nuts, candies, and chocolate. You might also like unbuttered popcorn, toast, and jam, etc. Basically, whatever you enjoy consuming in front of the TV is the best choice! 准备好零嘴儿 零嘴儿是葛优瘫的不二选择,别老整些薯片儿啊、糖啊、巧克力啊、坚果啥滴。整点儿咱大东北滴猪肉炖粉条子也是极好滴。 =Bribe some servants. Siblings, friends, or housemates might be amenable to being bribed into fetching more food and drinks for you if you're lucky. Your luck will depend on who you ask and how, as well as what's in it for them. Be super nice and suck up to them; promise them something similar in return when they want to do the couch potato. 找些伺候你的银儿 找些兄弟姐妹儿、哥们儿啥滴来帮你递个东西儿啥滴,这是必须滴。所以就得整些小甜枣,俗话说滴好天下没有免费的午餐呐。你让银儿舒服了银儿就让你舒服。巴适得很! 素材&录音:Mint 编辑&后期:Lucinda 配乐1:Tom And Jerry - Various Artists 配乐2:The Last Waltz - French Accordion 配乐3:WI ING WI ING - hyukoh 原始素材均来自网络,侵删 中英文小样投稿邮箱sunwillneverset@163.com,快来加入我们吧!