影视原声 |《葬礼上的死亡》

影视原声 |《葬礼上的死亡》

2018-03-17    03'07''

主播: 日不落电台

100 1

My father was an exceptional man. He may not have been a perfect man but he was a good man. And he loved us. All I wanted to do today was to give him a dignified send-off. Is that really so much to ask? So... Maybe... Maybe he had some things he liked to do. Life isn't simple. It's complicated. We're all just thrown in here together in a world full of chaos and confusion. A world full of questions and no answers. Death's always lingering around the corner. And we do our best. We can't only do our best. My dad did his best. He always tried to tell me you have to go for what you want in life because you never know how long you're gonna be here. And whether you succeed or you fail the most important thing is to have tried. A parent can only guide you in the right direction. In the end you have to run for yourself. You have to grow up yourself. So when you all leave here today I would like you to remember my father for what he really was. A decent, loving man. If only we could be as giving and as generous and understanding as my father was. Then the world would be a far better place. 我父亲是一个与众不同的人,他也许不完美,但他是个好男人。他爱我们。今天我想要做的是要为他献上一个庄严隆重的告别式,这很过分吗?那么,可能,可能他有他个人的爱好。生活并不简单,很复杂,我们都被一起带到一个充满混乱和骚动的世界,一个充满各种疑问与答案的世界,而死亡总是在某个角落徘徊。我们竭尽所能的做到最好,但无法总是做到最好,但是,我的父亲,他做到了。他一直告诉我,你必须过你想过的人生,因为你永远不会晓得将何时离开,不论成功或者失败。最重要的是你努力尝试过了,父母只能为你指引方向,然而到最后,你还是得自己闯,你得自己成长。那么,今天后你们离开这里,我希望你们记得我父亲他真实的样子:一个正直而深情的男人。即使我们能像我父亲一样,慷慨,乐于付出,善解人意。那么,世界将会是个更好的地方。