unit 3-part 3 courtroom drama

unit 3-part 3 courtroom drama

2022-01-01    01'27''

主播: kk式

226 3

Part 3 Cou artroom Drama There was an ominous silence wh hen the jittery defendant stood up in court. He explained in a tremulou is voice what had led him to repudi- ate his confession made at the pol ce station on the night of the crime. The audience began to buzz excite lly until the judge demanded a cessa- tion of the noise. Although the d istrict attorney bristled with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights had been violated because he had not been told that he could see a lawyer before confessing 法庭上戏剧性的场面 法庭上呈现一片预示不祥的静寂,极度紧张的被告站了起来。他声音颤抖地解释什么促使他否认出事那天晚上已在警察局承认了罪行。听众开始激动地唧唧喳喳地议论,直到法官要求肃静才安静下来。虽然地方法院检察官愤怒得毛发倒立,但被告坚持认为他的权利受到了侵犯,因为没告诉他在招供前可以见律师。