

2022-07-17    00'43''

主播: @云@🎺

233 2

2022.07.11听说早读 You may not control /all the events /that happen to you, but you can decide /not to be reduced by them. 你可能无法控制所有发生在你身上的事,但是你可以决定不被它们影响 2022.07.12听说早读 Being deeply loved by someone /gives you strength, loving someone deeply /gives you courage. 被人深爱给你力量,深爱一个人给你勇气。 2022.07.13听说早读 I am not afraid of tomorrow/ for I have seen yesterday and love today. 我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天 7.14 听说早读 The value of life/ lies not length of days, but in the use of /we make of them. 生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些曰子 2022.07.15听说早读 Remember /what should be remembered, and forget /what should be forgotten. After what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。