

2019-03-17    33'27''

主播: infoier | 设计乘数

203 6

## 内容简介: 本期播客探索增强现实设计中,除了视觉反馈以外的多通道反馈可能性。这种增强现实真实反馈的探索好处旨在给用户提供更直接的反馈,其本身又可以作为交互的指示。这种虚拟与真实互相影响的交互模式,不仅仅给数字设计领域带来新的交互方式和体验,还可以给包括城市与建筑设计在内的任何融合赛博空间与真实空间的设计领域,提供新的思考方式与设计框架。 ## 关于我: 个人网站:infoier.com 沟通反馈:Zoe.gongzy@gmail.com 知乎:zhuanlan.zhihu.com/infoier ### 参考 [1]Kato H, Billinghurst M. Marker tracking and hmd calibration for a video-based augmented reality conferencing system[C]//Proceedings 2nd IEEE and ACM International Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR’99). IEEE, 1999: 85-94. [2]Lv Z, Feng L, Li H, et al. Hand-free motion interaction on google glass[C]//SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications. ACM, 2014: 21. [3]Althoff T, White R W, Horvitz E. Influence of Pokémon Go on physical activity: study and implications[J]. Journal of medical Internet research, 2016, 18(12). [4] [Microsoft HoloLens | Mixed Reality Technology for Business](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens [5]Magic Leap https://www.magicleap.com/ [6]ARKit Apple https://developer.apple.com/arkit/ [7]Mediatin Mediums. Harvard Graduate School of Design http://www.gregtran.com/mediating-mediums/ [8]Unveiling Project North Star http://blog.leapmotion.com/northstar/ [9]6D.AI https://www.6d.ai/ [10]How the AR app I made in my bedroom went viral worldwide. Oscar Falmer https://medium.com/the-mission/how-the-ar-app-i-made-in-my-bedroom-went-viral-worldwide-19e800ce0d21 [11]Instant City https://www.bmiaa.com/instant-city-travelling-exhibition-now-at-college-maximilien-de-sully/ [12]Debord G. Society of the Spectacle[M]. Bread and Circuses Publishing, 2012. [13]Manovich L. The poetics of augmented space[J]. Visual communication, 2006, 5(2): 219-240. [14]Thiel T. Critical Interventions into Canonical Spaces: Augmented Reality at the 2011 Venice and Istanbul Biennials[M]//Augmented Reality Art. Springer, Cham, 2014: 31-60. [15]McGarrigle C. Augmented Interventions: Redefining Urban Interventions with AR and Open Data[M]//Augmented Reality Art. Springer, Cham, 2018: 115-130. [16]Gwilt I. Augmented reality graffiti and street art[M]//Augmented Reality Art. Springer, Cham, 2018: 227-236. [17]Gwilt I. Augmented reality graffiti and street art[M]//Augmented Reality Art. Springer, Cham, 2018: 227-236. [18]The Future of Augmented Reality Will BeBoring. https://medium.com/@warronbebster/the-future-of-augmented-reality-will-be-boring-fc95be238ef4 [19]Fuste, A., Amores, J., Ha, D., Jongejan, J. and Pitaru, A. Paper Cubes: Evolving 3D characters in Augmented Reality using Recurrent Neural Networks (2017), Workshop in Machine Learning for Creativity and Design. NIPS 2017 [20]Fuste,A. Invisible Highway. http://annafuste.com/portfolio/invisible-highway/ [21]Fuste,A. Inertia. http://annafuste.com/portfolio/inertia/ [22]Fusté A, Amores J, Perdices S, et al. LSInvaders: cross reality environment inspired by the arcade game space invaders[C]//Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction. IEEE Press, 2013: 399-400. [23]Amores J, Salle-URL L, Benavides X, et al. Smart Avatars: using avatars to interact with objects[C]//Proceedings of ACM CHI. 2012: 1-3. [24]Xiao X, Tome B, Ishii H. Andante: Walking Figures on the Piano Keyboard to Visualize Musical Motion[C]//NIME. 2014: 629-632. [25]Shapira L, Amores J, Benavides X. TactileVR: integrating physical toys into learn and play virtual reality experiences[C]//2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). IEEE, 2016: 100-106. [26]Fabri M, Moore D. The use of emotionally expressive avatars in collaborative virtual environments[J]. Virtual Social Agents, 2005, 88.