【中英双语】10 advantages of introverts 内向者独有的10个好处

【中英双语】10 advantages of introverts 内向者独有的10个好处

2017-06-21    02'23''

主播: Ladymo

178 11

1.We choose our words carefully so others don't have to wade through a river of bullshit to understand what we are saying.    我们会想清楚再说话,所以别人不用听半天废话还丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 2. We have imagination and rich inner worlds.   我们有想象力和丰富的内心世界。 3. We are more likely to access our innermost thoughts and creative ideas because we embrace solitude.    我们更有可能深入内心最本质想法与创意,因为我们乐于独处。 4. We are capable of great focus, which comes in handy when completing pretty much any task that requires extended periods of concentration (advanced mathematics, writing, art, science, etc.).    我们专注力极好,任何一项需要长时间注意力的任务(高等数学、写作、艺术和科学等)都可以驾轻就熟应对。 5. We tend to process greater volumes of information in any given situation.    在任何既定场合,我们更能处理好大容量信息。 6. We embody the old adage(格言;谚语) "you have two ears and one mouth for a reason". Everyone likes to be listened to.   我们代表了那句老话“你长俩耳朵和一张嘴是有道理的”。每个人都喜欢自己被人倾听。 7. Most introverts tend to carefully think things through before acting, which has obvious advantages.    多数内向人士都行动前都会把事情考虑清楚,这显然有很多优势。 8. We can be quite observant of both environmental and social subtleties(敏锐;精明). While others are yammering(叹息;抱怨) away, we're taking everything in and processing it in our ever-active minds.    我们头脑灵活,对环境和社会都见微知著。 9. We are well-loved by landlords and the elderly for our quiet, peaceful nature.    我们本性安宁喜静,非常讨房东和长者的喜欢。 10. We can now bust free from stereotypes and show the world who we really are.    我们可以打破刻板印象,向世界展示我们真实的自己。