

2015-09-13    03'37''

主播: 冲浪的少年

22168 1043

A New College Scorecard (September 12, 2015) 新的大学记分卡(2015年9月12日) Hi, everybody. Next week marks seven years since a financial crisis on Wall Street that would usher in some hard years for working families on Main Street. Soon after that, I took office. And we set out to rebuild our economy on a new foundation for growth and prosperity by investing in things that grow our middle class - things like jobs, health care and education. 大家好.下个星期就是华尔街爆发金融危机七周年的日子了.这曾将工薪家庭的人们带入十分困苦的年月.在那不久之后,我就职了.我们开始在新的基础上为了增长和繁荣重建经济,投资于利于发展我们中产阶层的事情--比如就业,医疗保险,和教育. Today, our businesses have created more than 13 million new jobs over the last five and a half years. The unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in more than seven years. Another 16 million Americans have gained health insurance. Our high school graduate rate is the highest it's ever been, and more people are graduating from college than ever before. We are coming back - and stronger. 现在,我们的经济在过去的五年半时间里已经创造了1300多万新的就业岗位.失业率是七年多以来的最低水平.又有1600万的人们获得了医疗保险覆盖.我们的高中毕业率是有史以来最高的,更多的人们从大学毕业了.我们的经济已经复苏,并且更加强大. Still, in an economy that's increasingly based on knowledge and innovation, some higher education is the surest ticket to the middle class. By the end of this decade, two in three job openings will require some higher education. That's one reason why a degree from a two-year college will earn you $10,000 more each year than someone who only finished high school. One study showed that a degree from a four-year university earns you $1 million more over the course of a lifetime. 在越来越依赖知识和创新才能得以增长的经济中,更高的教育水平是通往中产阶层的最可靠通行证.在这个十年的末期,三分之二的职业空缺将需要更高的受教育水平.也因此,有着两年大学学位的人每年比只毕业于高中的人多挣到$10,000.一项研究显示,四年的大学学位将让你一生中多挣到$100万. The country with the best-educated workforce in the world is going to win the 21st century economy. I want that to be America. But as college costs and student debt keep rising, the choices that Americans make when searching for and selecting a college have never been more important. That's why everyone should be able to find clear, reliable, open data on college affordability and value – like whether they're likely to graduate, find good jobs, and pay off their loans. Right now, however, many existing college rankings reward schools for spending more money and rejecting more students – at a time when America needs our colleges to focus on affordability and supporting all students who enroll. That doesn't make sense, and it has to change. 有着接受了世界上最好教育劳动力的国家,将在21世纪的经济中取得成功.我希望这会是美国.但随着大学花销和学生债务不断上涨,人们在选择大学时做出的决定,比以往更加的重要.也因此,每个人都应该能够在学校可负担性和价值上找到明确,可信赖和开放的数据--比如,他们能否毕业,找到好工作,付清他们的贷款.然而,当下,许多现有的大学排名鼓励学校进行更多的开支,拒绝更多的学生--而当下,在美国,需要我们的学校关注学费的可负担性,支持所有入学的学生.因此,现状不合乎道理,必须得到改变. So, today, my Administration is launching a new College Scorecard, designed with input from those who will use it the most – students, families, and counselors. Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher education. You'll be able to see how much each school's graduates earn, how much debt they graduate with, and what percentage of a school's students can pay back their loans – which will help all of us see which schools do the best job of preparing America for success. And to reach more folks, we're working with partners in the academic, non-profit, and private sectors that will help families use this new data to navigate the complicated college process and make informed decisions. 因此,今天,我的政府实施了新的大学记分卡,为了将最多使用它的人们而设计--学生,家庭和辅导员.人们现在有权得到每一家高等学院可靠的数据.你将能够了解到每一所学校毕业生挣到的钱,他们毕业时有多少的债务,学校的学生有多少能够付清他们的贷款--这将帮助我们所有人了解到哪所学校为美国的成功做了最好的准备.为了让更多的人们了解到这些,我们正在和学术,非盈利和私营部门合作.这将帮助众多的家庭使用新的数据,来指导复杂的大学学业,同时做出明智的决定. The status quo serves some colleges and the companies that rank them just fine. But it doesn't serve our students well – and that doesn't serve any of us well. There are colleges dedicated to helping students of all backgrounds learn without saddling them with debt. We should hold everybody to that standard. Our economic future depends on it. 现状服务于一些排名好的学校和企业.但它没有很好地服务于我们的学生--也没有很好地服务于我们任何人.有学校致力于帮助各种背景的学生完成学业,而不需要背上债务.我们应该对待每一个人都是这样的标准.我们未来的经济需要它. This work is just beginning. In the coming weeks and months, we'll continue to improve the Scorecard based on what we learn from students, parents, counselors, and colleges themselves. The goal is to help everybody who's willing to work for a higher education search for and select a college that fits their goals. Together, we can make sure that every student has the chance to get a great education and achieve their full potential. 努力才刚刚开始.在未来的几个星期和几个月,我们将改进大学记分卡,基于我们从学生,父母,辅导员和大学本身那里了解到的情况.目标是帮助每一个愿意为了获得高等教育努力的人找到并选择一所符合他们目标的大学.一起努力,我们可以确保每一个学生都有机会获得良好的教育,并充分实现他们的潜在价值. Thanks, everybody. And have a great weekend. 谢谢大家,周末快乐.