

2016-04-19    03'09''

主播: 冲浪的少年

9720 572

Ensuring Our Free Market Works for Everyone (April 16, 2016) 确保我们的自由市场服务于每一个人(2016年4月16日) Hello, everybody. One of America's greatest strengths is our free market. A thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy – it's how we create jobs, expand opportunities, and give everybody a shot at success. It's what has made America the strongest country on Earth. 大家好.美国最伟大的力量之一是我们的自由市场.蒸蒸日上的私营部门是我们的经济命脉--正是这样,我们创造着就业,拓展着机遇,并给予每一个人成功的机会.正是这样,让美国成为世界上最强大的国家. The most essential ingredient in a healthy free market is competition. But right now, too many companies are engaging in behaviors that stifle competition – like blocking new competitors from entering the market or limiting the information and options that give consumers real choice. As a consequence, the rest of us pay higher prices for lower quality products and services. Workers receive lower wages than they otherwise would. Small businesses and entrepreneurs can get squeezed out of the market. And none of that is fair – or good for our economy. 自由健康市场的最基本要素是竞争.但当下,太多的企业参与着抑制竞争的行径--比如阻挠新的竞争者进入市场,或者限制给予消费者真正可选择的信息和选项.结果是,我们这些人为低质量的产品和服务支付着偏高的价格.这样,员工们将比本来可以拿到的工资更少.小商家和小企业家会在市场之外就受到挤压.没有一件是公平的--对我们的经济也没有任何好处. The deck should not be stacked in favor of the wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations, against working Americans. That's why my administration is doing everything we can to reverse this trend and promote more competition in the marketplace. In addition to enforcing the rules on the books, I've directed federal agencies to identify anti-competitive behavior in different industries, and find new and specific ways to promote competition. 这一平台不应该只有利于最富有的少数个人和大型的公司,而不利于工薪阶层的人们.也因此,我们的政府在做我们力所能及的事情,来改变这一趋势,在市场中促成更多的竞争.除了强制执行在法律条款中的规则,我已经指示联邦机构在不同的产业里来甄别反竞争行为,并寻求新的特别的方式来促成竞争. One industry that's ripe for change is cable TV. Right now, 99 percent of cable and satellite TV customers rent set-top boxes from their providers. According to one survey, this costs households an average of more than $230 per year. We spend some $20 billion to rent these devices. While we have almost unlimited choice in what we watch on television, from traditional programming to online content, there's next to no competition to build a better, user-friendly product that allows you to easily access all this content in one place. So most consumers just rent whatever the cable company offers. Because we have to. That means companies have little incentive to innovate. As a consequence, we need multiple devices and controllers to access content from different sources. That makes no sense. 变革机会已经成熟的一个产业是有线电视.当下,99%的有线电视和卫星电视消费者,从他们的运营商那里租用机顶盒.据统计,每个家庭每年平均支付230美元以上.我们要花费200亿来租用这些设备.我们在电视上能看的节目,几乎有着无限的选择,从传统的节目到在线内容.基本上没有竞争,去打造更优质,对用户更友好的产品,让你更容易得在一个地方访问所有内容.所以,最多数的消费者仅租用有线公司提供的.因为我们必须这样.这意味着,企业没有创新的动力.结果是,我们需要各种类型的设备和控制器,来访问不同来源的内容.这毫无意义. So my administration has encouraged the FCC to remove the barriers to competition that prevent new players from offering innovative cable box options to consumers. 因此,我的政府已经鼓励FCC,消除竞争壁垒,让新的成员提供创新的分线盒给消费者. We know this works. For years, Americans had to rent our telephones from the phone company. This was a while ago, but when the FCC finally unlocked competition for home phones, the marketplace was flooded with all kinds of phone options with new features, and at different price points. Consumers suddenly had many options. And the whole industry moved forward as a result. The same can happen with cable boxes, and in dozens of areas of our economy – all of which can make a difference in your everyday life. 我们知道这能起到效果.数年来,美国不得不从电讯公司租用我们使用的电话.曾经是这样的,但当FCC最终为家用电话引入了竞争机制,市场中涌入了各式各样新功能的电话,并有着不同的价格.消费者突然有了众多的选择.结果整个产业都向前推进了.机顶盒也能出现相同的情况,在我们经济中几十个领域也可以的--所有这些都能给你每天的生活带来改变. The bottom line is, competition is good for consumers, workers, businesses, and our economy. So I'm going to keep doing everything I can to make sure that our free market works for everyone. 最主要的是,竞争有益于消费者,员工,商家和我们的经济.因此,我将继续做力所能及的事情,确保我们的自由市场服务于每一个人. Thanks, and have a great weekend. 谢谢大家,周末快乐.