温馨绘本《依米的礼物》Immi's Gift (附原文)

温馨绘本《依米的礼物》Immi's Gift (附原文)

2015-12-22    02'28''

主播: Max冬冬

1021 45

Immi是个生活在北极的小女孩。一天,Immi钓鱼时意外地钓到了一些宝贝。这些宝贝让她冰冷单调的生活变得丰富多彩…… Oh, it was cold. The icy wind blew, and snow fell and fell. Immi looked around her, but all she could see was a frozen white world. Immi broke a hole through the ice and fished for her supper. “Just one more,” she thought. “In case anyone comes around,” which they hardly ever did. But instead of a fish, at the end of the line she found a little wooden bird. It was so beautiful! She’d never seen such colors before. She tried it to her necklace, next to a small white bear. The next day she fished a red flower. Then an orange starfish… a green leaf… a purple feather… and soon her igloo was the brightest thing in the land! It would be seen for miles around. And before long, visitors came from far and wide to look and to wonder. They always stayed for supper, and they filled those long dark nights with stories of faraway lands. Immi’s world seemed a brighter and more colorful place. Then one day the ice began to melt. It was time for her to leave. But just as Immi was about to go, she stopped and put her hand to her necklace. She took the small bear and gently dropped it into the water. Then she turned and left. Far away, a little boy walks across a beach, holding the brightest thing he can find. He tosses it into the waves and wonders, as he always does, where it will go. But this time, something catches his eye, shining in the sand… It is a beautiful small white bear. He picks it up and holds it. Then he hangs it around his neck where once he wore a little wooden bird.