冬冬原创 The Rhyme Song 押韵歌

冬冬原创 The Rhyme Song 押韵歌

2016-08-03    02'16''

主播: Max冬冬

1142 26

I read about all kinds of things, from encyclopedias to Poseidon and Zeus. And when people ask me how I rhyme, I simply say, “Go read more Dr. Seuss!" If you want to rhyme good, and you should, You have to be adept at using words, I bet that you could! So, how exactly do I rhyme so well? It all started at my childhood. When I was two years old, I knew practically nothing, But my mom, with her voice like the warmth of spring, Read me a story every night before I went to sleep, like The Lion King. I started to rhyme when I was five years old, I was curious and bold. One day in August that year, "We’re going to America!" I was told. So we had to pack. There was a long journey ahead. When I first got to America, I couldn’t sleep in my bed! Two weeks later, I went to an elementary school. When I stepped in, I felt a slight twinge in my head. So eight months of rhyming I happily spent, Then I realized it was all a passing trend. When we finally got back to China, I couldn't rhyme, it's true, my friend. But since I got back, I’ve been watching an English movie every day. I watch it whenever I like, even when I'm eating on my tray! Sometimes, it's tiring, I admit. So why do you do this? Someone might say. It helps you learn words, how to use them, too, it helps you learn facts, learn about me and you! But the most important thing is to stick to it. You can rhyme well if you try! There’s no one who cannot do it, not even a few. 我看书看得真不少,从百科全书到波塞冬,再到宙斯, 每当有人问我是怎么学会写诗的时候,我就会说,“多看看苏斯博士。” 如果你想写好一首韵律诗, (我想,你应该去写,) 你必须学会如何用词。 (我想,你肯定会写。) 那么,我的韵脚 为什么押得这么好? 这个事还得从我小时候说起。 两岁的时候, 我几乎一无所知。 可是,每天晚上入睡之前, 妈妈都会用春天般温暖的嗓音给我读一个故事, 比如《狮子王》。 五岁的时候,我开始写诗, 一半是出于好奇, 一半是初生牛犊不怕事。 那年八月的一天, 我知道,“我们要去美利坚!” 去美国的路程很远,我们开始打包。 可刚到美国的时候,我无论如何也睡不着觉。 两周之后,我开始去上学前班。 刚踏进校门,我的脑袋好像要裂成两半。 在接下来八个月的时间里, 我一边写诗,一边学习。 后来,我慢慢发现, 那只是我的一个发明,来打发时间。 回国以后, 突然不会写诗了(真的,朋友)。 可回国后的每一天, 我都要看一个英语电影。 无论什么时间, 什么地点都成。 有时候,的确挺累。 这一点我得承认。 可为什么还要继续受罪? 有人不禁要问。 看电影能学到很多东西— 学新词,学用法,学知识, 当然,还会 了解我和你。 但,最为重要的还是坚持。 如果你愿意, 你也完全可以。 每个人都能做到— 他和她、我和你。