Through the Years & Far Away - みずさわゆうき

Through the Years & Far Away - みずさわゆうき

2016-12-04    05'25''

主播: 南辰车

801 12

【24岁的阿升你好,我是15岁的美加子 纪念所有的不完美 祝福所有真诚的期待 今天骑车去实验室的路上,跟一个骑自行车还需要辅助轮的孩子比赛,必须输了呀 在新楼电梯里碰到一个温暖的保洁阿姨,跟我说要努力,好,要努力了 还有你啊,我不要你等我,你走你的,我跑着去见你就好了 那个时候,我会问你的名字】 Hello,little star 你好,小星星 Are you doing fine? 你可安好? I'm lonely as everything in birth 我如同初生的万物一般孤独 Sometimes in the dark 有时闭上双眼 When I close my eyes 沉入黑暗中 I dream of you,the planet earth 我梦见你,那颗蓝色的星球 If I could fly across this night 如果我能比光更快 Faster than the speed of light 跃过此夜 I would spread these wings of mine 我想展开双翼 Through the years and far away 飞跃时间 Far beyond the milky way 飞跃银河 See the shine that never blinks 看那闪烁的 The shine that never fades 永不褪色的星光 Thousand years and far away 数千年以后 Far beyond the silky way 遥远银河的彼端 You're the shine that never blinks 你是那颗闪烁的 The shine that never dies 永不褪色的星光 Hello,tiny star 你好,小星星 Can you hear me call? 你是否能听到我的呼唤吗? I'm so blind as everthing at birth 我如万物初生一般孤独 If I could flow against these nights 如果我能穿越这些夜晚 Straighter than the string of light 超越光速 I would lay these hands on time 我愿将双手交付给时间 Through the years and far away 数年以后 Far beyond the milky way 遥远银河的彼端 See the shine that never blinks 看那闪烁的 The shine that never fades 永不褪色的星光 Thousand years and far away 数千年以后 Far beyond the silky way 遥远银河的彼端 You're the shine that never blinks 你是那闪烁的 The shine that never dies 永不褪色的星光 Through the years and far away 数千年以后 Far beyond the milky way 遥远银河的彼端 You're the shine that never blinks 你是那闪烁的 The shine that never dies 永不褪色的星光 翻译贡献者:nisocon 【你听到的只是自己的心情。讲你的故事给我听吧。】