【公益课堂11】Time (蔡冰)

【公益课堂11】Time (蔡冰)

2017-12-01    07'32''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

503 12

歌曲 Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock! Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck two, The mouse said “Boo!” Hickory dickory dock! Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck three, The mouse said “Whee!” Hickory dickory dock! Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck four, The mouse said “No more!” Hickory dickory dock! What’s the time, please? : (1) 清晨六点整,露营的孩子们从睡梦中醒来。 A: What’s the time, please? B: It’s six ( o’clock). Time to get up. (2)上午七点整,孩子们整理好行装,准备出发到动物园去。 A: What’s the time, please? B: It’s seven o&`&clock. Time to go to the zoo. A:OK. Let’s go (3)下午一点整,玩累的孩子们想要吃午饭了。 A:What’s the time ,please? B:It’s one (o’clock). Time to have lunch. (4)下午五点整,孩子们尽兴而归。 A: What time is it now? B: It’s five ( o’clock) . Time to go home. A: let&`&s go home. (5)晚上七点钟,孩子们开始吃饭了! A: What time is it now? B: It&`&s seven o&`&clock. A: Let&`&s have dinner. (6)晚上九点整,孩子们准备休息了。 A: What time is it now? B: It&`&s nine o&`&clock. A: It&`&s time to go to bed. Good night! B: Good night! 重点单词: time 时间 get up 起床 go to school 去上学 have lunch 吃午饭 go home 回家 do homework 做作业 go to bed 睡觉 o’clock 点 in the morning 早上 in the afternoon 下午 in the evening 晚上 重点句子: Let’s... 邀请别人做某事 What time is it now? 几点了。 What’s the time,please? 几点了 It’s o’clock ……点了 It’s time to … 到了…….的时间 Time to... /Time for... 该是做什么的时候了 Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. 该吃早饭了 喝些牛奶 (Picture two) Time for lunch. Have some chicken. 该吃午饭了 吃些鸡肉 (Picture three) Time for dinner. Eat some rice. 该吃晚饭了 吃些米饭 (Picture four) Time for P.E. Jump and run. 该上体育课了 跳和跑 (Picture five) Time for English. Read and write. 该上英语课了 读和写 (Picture six) Time for music. Sing and dance. 该上音乐课了 唱和跳