【公益课堂13】body parts (莫海珊苏琰虹)

【公益课堂13】body parts (莫海珊苏琰虹)

2017-12-08    06'24''

主播: 绘声绘色学英语

232 5

词汇: hair 头发 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 tongue 舌头 ear 耳朵 head 头 hand 手 leg 腿 arm 手臂 语言结构: This is../I have../ ..is too../It’s.../What can you do with your..?/I can use my ...to do ... 1、What can you do with your eyes?你能用眼睛做什么? I can see movies with my eyes. 我可以用我的眼睛来看电影 2、What can you do with your hands? 你可以用你的手来做什么? I can do homework with my hands. 我可以用我的手来做家务。 3、What can you do with your feet? 你可以用你的脚来干什么? I can play football with my feet. 我可以用的脚来踢足球 4、I can listen to music with my ears. 我可以用耳朵听音乐 I can smell with my nose. 我可以用我的鼻子来闻气味 I can taste food with my tongue. 我可以用舌头来品尝食物 I can speak with my mouth. 我可以用嘴说话Body parts