Happy ABC-关于酒文化-DJ黄冰清 史淑萍

Happy ABC-关于酒文化-DJ黄冰清 史淑萍

2017-10-10    13'41''

主播: 洛阳师范学院网络电台

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HAPPY ABC_关于酒文化—DJ黄冰清 史淑萍 K: Hey, guys, welcome to our HAPPY ABC, I’m your friend Katelyn, 淑萍。 B: And I’m your friend Branche, 冰清. Hey, Katelyn , do you know something about the wine culture of Chinese? K: Sure, that’s true. Er…, but a little, just a little, em…, yeah, actually. 酒是人类生活中的主要饮料之一。中国制酒源远流长,品种繁多,名酒荟萃,享誉中外。黄酒是世界上最古老的酒类之一,约在三千多年前,商周时代,中国人独创酒曲复式发酵法,开始大量酿制黄酒。约一千年前的宋代,中国人发明了蒸馏法,从此,白酒成为中国人饮用的主要酒类。酒渗透于整个中华五千年的文明史中,从文学艺术创作、文化娱乐到饮食烹饪、养生保健等各方面在中国人生活中都占有重要的位置。Wine is one of the main beverages in human life. Chinese wine has a long history, variety, famous wine, renowned Chinese and foreign. Rice wine is one of the world's oldest wine, about three thousand years ago, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Chinese people alone wine song compound fermentation method, began to brew a lot of rice wine. About a thousand years ago in the Song Dynasty, the Chinese invented the distillation method, since then, the Chinese people drink the main wine. Wine infiltration throughout the five thousand years of civilization history, from literature and art creation, culture and entertainment to diet cooking, health care and other aspects of life in the Chinese people have an important position. B: 是啊,酒文化是中华民族饮食文化的—个重要组成部分。酒是人类最古老的食物之一,它的历史几乎是与人类文化史一道开始的。Wine culture is the Chinese nation's food culture - an important part. Wine is one of the oldest human food, its history is almost with the history of human culture began. Since the emergence of wine, as a material culture, the shape of wine varied, its development process and economic development history of synchronization, and wine is not just a food, it also has spiritual and cultural value. As a spiritual culture it embodies in social and political life, literature and art and even human life attitude, aesthetic taste and many other aspects. In this sense, drinking is not drinking and drinking, it is also drinking culture.自从酒出现之后,作为一种物质文化,酒的形态多种多样,其发展历程与经济发展史同步,而酒又不仅仅是一种食物,它还具有精神文化价值。作为一种精神文化它体现在社会政治生活、文学艺术乃至人的人生态度、审美情趣等诸多方面。在这个意义上讲,饮酒不是就饮酒而饮酒,它也是在饮文化。 K: 嗯,说的没错,从最早的中华五千年文明之前——史前时代,原始部落的人们采集的野果在经过长期的储存后发霉,然后形成酒的气味。经过最初的品尝后,他们认为,发霉后果子流出的水也很好喝,于是,就开始了酿酒文化。在原始社会,我国酿酒已很盛行,远古时期的酒,是未经过滤的酒醪,呈糊状和半流质,对于这种酒,不适于饮用,而是食用,故食用的酒具一般是食具,如碗,钵等大口器皿。From the earliest five thousand years of civilization in China - prehistoric times, primitive tribe people collected wild fruit after long-term storage moldy, and then the formation of wine smell. After the initial taste, they think that the fruit after the mold out of the water is also very good to drink, so, began the wine culture. In the primitive society, China's wine has been very popular, the ancient wine, is not filtered wine mash, paste and semi-liquid, for this wine, not suitable for drinking, but food, so the wine is generally Utensils such as bowls, pots and other large mouth utensils. B: Well, you are right. Indeed, 中国是卓立世界的文明古国,是酒的故乡。中华民族五千年历史长河中,酒和酒类文化一直占据着重要地位。酒是一种特殊的食品,是属于物质的,但又同时融于人们的精神生活之中。酒文化作为一种特殊的文化形式,在传统的中国文化中有其独特的地位。在几千年的文明史中,酒几乎渗透到社会生活中的各个领域。China is the ancient civilization of Zhuo Li world, is the hometown of wine. The Chinese nation five thousand years of history, wine and wine culture has been occupying an important position. Wine is a special food, is a material, but at the same time into the people's spiritual life. Wine culture as a special form of culture, in the traditional Chinese culture has its unique position. In the history of civilization for thousands of years, wine almost penetrated into all areas of social life. First of all, China is a country of agricultural countries, so all political and economic activities are based on agricultural development as a foothold. While the Chinese wine, the vast majority of food brewing, wine closely attached to agriculture, as part of the agricultural economy. Grain production is the barometer of the rise and fall of wine, the dynasty rulers according to the grain harvest situation, through the release of alcohol or ban, to regulate the production of wine, so as to ensure that food. K: 的确。在一些局部地区,酒业的繁荣对当地社会生活水平的提高起到了积极作用。酒与社会经济活动是密切相关的。汉武帝时期实行国家对酒的专卖政策以来,从酿酒业收取的专卖费或酒的专税就成为了国家财政收入的主要来源之一。酒税收入在历史上还与军费、战争有关,直接关系到国家的生死存亡。In some local areas, the prosperity of the wine industry has played a positive role in raising the local social standard of living. Wine is closely related to socioeconomic activities. Since the implementation of the national monopoly policy of wine in the period of the Han Dynasty, the monopoly fee or the special tax paid from the wine industry became one of the main sources of state revenue. Wine tax revenue in history also with the military, war, directly related to the country's life and death. In some dynasties, wine tax (or wine monopoly income) and corvee and other tax forms. Wine and thick and often become the country, merchants and the people competing for the rich and fat. The replacement of different wine politics alternates, reflecting the contrast of the forces of different classes. B: Yeah, that’s right. 白酒是中国世代相传的酒精饮料,通过跟踪研究和总结工作,对传统工艺进行了改进,从作坊式操作到工业化生产,从肩挑背扛到半机械作业,从口授心传、灵活掌握到有文字资料传授。这些都使白酒工业不断得到发展与创新,提高了生产技术水平和产品质量,一批厂家成为中国酿酒的大型骨干企业,为国家做出了重要的贡献。我们应继承和发展这份宝贵民族特产,弘扬中华民族优秀酒文化,使白酒行业发扬光大。Liquor is an alcoholic beverage from generation to generation in China. Through the research and summary work, the traditional craft has been improved. From workshop operation to industrial production, from the shoulder to the semi-mechanical operation, from the dictation, Teaching of text. These have made the liquor industry continue to develop and innovate, improve the level of production technology and product quality, a group of manufacturers to become China's large-scale enterprises of wine for the country has made important contributions. We should inherit and develop this valuable national specialty, promote the Chinese nation outstanding wine culture, so that the liquor industry to flourish. K: Ok, that’s all for today’s Happy ABC, I’m your friend Katelyn. B: I’m your friend Blanche, see you next week, bye.