【Banana Hot Talk】S4E5 We Fight!

【Banana Hot Talk】S4E5 We Fight!

2014-12-13    36'10''

主播: 中国传媒大学英语电台

2502 30

谁还没打过一次架?从小学时期与小男生打架,到高中与班里的绿茶婊闹矛盾到请社会黑道帮忙出面的东北式打架,总有一款架适合你。节目内更有新的声音,纯正印度腔英文,挑战听力极限。只在最新的一期We Fight! Who hasn’t fought before? From little fist fights in primary school, to dealing with bitches in high school to stepping it up a level, getting involved with gangsters. There’s always a type of fight fit just for you! We also have a brand new voice join our show, with his pure exotic accent, we would like to know how you are catching up with us! All exclusively on this week’s “we fight”!