【Banana Hot Talk】S7E2 bullying stops here

【Banana Hot Talk】S7E2 bullying stops here

2017-03-22    44'59''

主播: 中国传媒大学英语电台

264 4

校园霸凌,似乎我们都不陌生,甚至比我们想象的更加严重。它几乎存在于世界上所有国家和地区,存在于每一所学校里。在本期banana hot talk里,胸有大爱、心系天下的banana们严肃讨论了关于bullying的问题。 Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. However, bullying exists all the time. It’s the problem that we should never ignore! In today’s banana hot talk, bananas will talk everything about bullying.