【Banana Hot Talk】S7E4 Are you "Straight Girl Cancer"?

【Banana Hot Talk】S7E4 Are you "Straight Girl Cancer"?

2017-04-06    48'31''

主播: 中国传媒大学英语电台

184 7

直男都会有这样的感受:你的女性朋友们喜欢给你戴上“直男癌”的帽子。“你这个死直男癌”!可是你知不知道,每天抵制直男癌,倡导女权主义的这些人中,有多少人在用双重标准要求男性与女性呢?本期节目banana就带你看看双标女权主义的嘴脸,告诉你如何怼回去! Straight man generally has this feeling: your female friends like to say you've got a "straight boy cancer". But do you know that among these“feminists”,many of them are asking for different treatment for man and women? In today's Banana Hot Talk, we will show you the ugly faces of double standard feminists and teach you how to fight back!